I recently listened to a message by Pastor Stephanie Ike, where she shared from Matthew 5:37: "But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." She spoke about…
Lifestyle Posts
Tips for Travelling to London on a Budget
Are you like me who has always dreamed of experiencing Christmas in London? Especially to see the Christmas lights and experience the Christmas markets in person? Have you ever wanted to travel on a budget? Well, we are definitely in…
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Best Honeymoon Destinations You Should Know
The honeymoon period is one that many people dream about especially before marriage. The question of whether to go for a honeymoon immediately after the wedding or wait till a […]

The Little Things
As we journey through life, sometimes we happen to life and sometimes, life happens to us and all of life happenings tend to affect the kind of person we become […]

Looking Back on 2019 And The Decade
2019 didn’t start on the best of note for me, I was confused as to how to handle certain areas of my life but two things I was sure to focus on were – personal development and service to God. But things began to pick up… Read the full story here…

L A Z I N E S S Hmm. How does this eight letter words sound? Melodious or awful? Well, before I proceed, let us see what the Bible says […]

Some days ago, my brand, Mivida Enterprise, a lifestyle empowerment platform for young adults partnered with Ajala Africa a tour company in organising a trip to Freedom Park, Lagos and […]

8 Investment Opportunities You Should Know About
Let’s talk investment. Investing is a topic everyone should know about and get interested in. That you need to have a lot of money before you can invest is a […]

Waiting: A Short Story
Waiting is a short story about two ladies on being patient and still trusting in God even in the storms of life. Read, share and be blessed.

Of Web Applications and Web APIs: Journey of a Female Software Developer
The aim of this post is to share with you a bit of my journey as a software developer. I hope it inspires you and you learn a lesson or […]

Song of the Week: What A Beautiful Name by Hillsong
What A Beautiful Name is a song that pulls me deeply into worship. Hillsong is one of my favorite singing groups, their songs are very powerful especially because of the […]

Having Fun in Lagos on A Budget: A Trip to the Beach and Nike Art Gallery
One of my favourite places in the world is the beach. I love the serenity, the beauty, the magnificence that comes with it and though I’m not able to go […]