
Career Opportunities in Tech Apart From Programming

The tech space to many non-techies seems to be a space for weirdos whose hobbies are not more than drinking coffee, wearing hoodies and writing codes on black screens on their computers.

However, there is more to tech than wearing hoodies, writing codes and drinking coffee; there is the art, business and science of tech (let’s talk about this at a later date).

This image has been a hindrance for many (especially women) from considering a career in technology – the fear of not being techie(smart) enough, the fear of not having a life outside work and many other fears.

Dev guys (L-R Front-end Dev, Product Dev) have fun too?
Women In Tech (L-R Software developers)

If you want to have a career in technology, your choices are many: you could pursue an IT occupation in the IT industry, an IT occupation in another industry, or a non-tech occupation in the IT industry.

To clarify and encourage more people to take an interest in technology, I put up this post to show you amazing career opportunities in tech that are not necessarily programming. Trust me, you don’t have to be a weirdo or nerd to work in tech. I am neither a weirdo nor a nerd (I guess?) and I have been working as a software developer for over 4 years now.

Puts on my speaking cap?

Do you know that most jobs in the future will be technology related?

You don't have to be a weirdo or nerd to work in tech Share on X

To make this post more relatable and for better understanding, I have grouped these career options into categories that you may be inclined to.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it should at the very least, open you up to career options you can explore in tech.

P.S: You are never too old to make that switch in career.

If you want to have a career in technology, your choices are many: you could pursue an IT occupation in the IT industry, an IT occupation in another industry, or a non-tech occupation in the IT industry. Share on X


If you are a creative or more art/design inclined individual, then these career opportunities may be more suitable for you


  • Technical writing
  • Graphics Designing
  • UI Development
  • UX Development
  • Product Design


If you are the math/statistics guru or you like digging deep into data, making analysis and all of that, then you should consider these career opportunities in tech –


  • Data Science
  • Data Engineering
  • Business Intelligence
  • Big Data
You are never too old to make that switch in career. Share on X

Business Inclined

You are good in sales, or you want to be in tech but you don’t want to get into the too technical stuff, or you are better at organizing or the business/management side of things; then, these career opportunities in tech are what you should be looking at-


  • Business Analyst
  • Business Relationship Management
  • Project management
  • Product Management
  • Business process continuity



  • Network/Server Engineer
  • Cybersecurity
  • Database Administrator


  • Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning
  • Cloud Computing
  • AR/VR/MR
  • Robotics
  • Technical Consultant


career in tech

  • DevOps Engineer
  • Quality Assurance
  • Enterprise Architect

and for the MAIN programming related roles?

  • Mobile Development – irrespective of the platform – android, ios, windows, or hybrid
  • Front-end Development – JS (any framework), HTML, CSS,
  • Back-end Development – c#, java, Ruby, PHP, Python, JS etc
  • Full-stack Development – both backend and frontend

What categories or options did I miss out? Do share with me below.

If you switched from another career to technology, do comment and share how the journey has been.

Sharing is caring: Do share this post with your friends and families


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