With so many standards of beauty we see everywhere we turn, we can’t help always evaluating ours. So, what defines beauty?

A Book Review -The Power of No by James and Claudia Azula Altucher
Have you always struggled with saying exactly what went through your mind, especially when it comes to responding to a request, or giving a true account of things? Well, it […]

Of Little Things and Mustard Seeds
Did you know that- a man sentenced to five years imprisonment five years ago will be released next week and he will thus have served his term and be free […]

Proven Tips on Best Use of Time on The Bus – My Story
If the total number of time on the bus or time spent moving from one place to another was calculated, it would be a shock to find out that a […]

Of Fear, Insecurity and Rejection: Tips on How I Overcame Rejection
We all have our share of fear. This emotion is strong in each person, depending on the subject.
But the one we all have about the same degree of is the fear or rejection. It is the common fear among humans.
Today, we’ll discuss seven tips to help you understand this emotion and triumph over it when it hits you because that is how rejection feels like when it comes

4 Easy Steps to Creating an Online Portfolio: A Freelancer’s Guide
Building an online portfolio is one way to, as a freelancer, get ahead in the market and we recommend it for you. Opportunities abound everywhere, and with the internet, the […]

Corban (6)
Corban is a story is a series about family relationships, faith and betrayal weaved around the story in Mark 7:11 in the Bible. Episode 6 is the last episode in the series and I hope you enjoy reading it

Corban (5)
Corban is a Hebrew word adopted into the Greek of the New Testament and left untranslated. It occurs only once in the Bible and it means a gift or offering […]

How to Ensure You Daily Read Your Bible
Read your Bible, pray every day, pray every day, pray every day Read your Bible, pray every day, if you want to grow. If you want to grow, if you […]

Corban (4)
Corban is a Hebrew word adopted into the Greek of the New Testament and left untranslated. It occurs only once in the Bible and it means a gift or offering […]