I recently listened to a message by Pastor Stephanie Ike, where she shared from Matthew 5:37: "But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." She spoke about…
Lifestyle Posts
Tips for Travelling to London on a Budget
Are you like me who has always dreamed of experiencing Christmas in London? Especially to see the Christmas lights and experience the Christmas markets in person? Have you ever wanted to travel on a budget? Well, we are definitely in…
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5 Saving/Investment Platforms I’ve Used/Tried That Works
I’ve always had financial goals. However, last year, I realized that they are mostly “wishes” as I did not have actionable plans for my “goals”. So, I put action to […]

Prayers of a Young Adult
As young adults, we go through different phases/seasons in life and sometimes we just want to give up on this whole adulting thingy…. I wrote this prayer to mirror some […]

A few weeks ago, I was at the 9to5 chick after-work conversation and there was so much to learn and yeah, I already shared my notes with you here. However, […]

How to Discover, Own and Communicate Your Value: 9to5 Chick Event Recap
Over the last 5 months of the year, I have learned the importance of seeking counsel, standing on the shoulders of experts and gleaning from them. I’ve been able to […]

Lessons from My Trip to Lekki Conservation Centre, Lagos
In 2018, I wrote out my travel bucket list for the year with Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC) being on the list, unfortunately, I was able to tick out only a […]

Is This Beauty? Are You Beautiful?
With so many standards of beauty we see everywhere we turn, we can’t help always evaluating ours. So, what defines beauty?

Love! Can this important ingredient in a relationship be all it is for that union to succeed? Some days ago, my mind wandered down the marriage and the thought that […]

7 Key Leadership Principles from the Life of Nehemiah
…Last week Sunday, during Sunday School, my pastor shared some leadership principles from the lives of Nehemiah which I would like to share with you… The Bible is a book […]

My Weekend Story: The Multiwoman Network Mentoring Program and GTBank Food and Drink Fair
Is it possible to have an intensive yet productive weekend? If yes, how can one achieve that? Well, here’s a little story for you. ************************************************ Hi family, how have y’all […]

WIMBIZ April Lagos Roundtable – Through My Eyes
Yesterday, I was opportune to attend the April edition of WIMBIZ Lagos Roundtable Lunch. I have always seen the fliers for the WIMBIZ roundtable events, but due to several factors, […]