Wow, it’s the last day of the month, year (2019) and decade (2009-2019). inserts dancing emoji
I woke up this morning with a heart busting with gratitude cos indeed, there is a lot to be grateful for.
At the beginning of this decade, what I was looking towards was admission into the university, I wasn’t even thinking 10 years into the future, now, here we are 10 years later, I am definitely not the girl I used to be. I’m sure this is same for you. Also, I am not the same person I was at the beginning of the year.

This year, I shed off a lot of things while taking on new things – new tasks, responsibilities, relationships, etc and for all of this I’m thankful.
Truthfully though, 2019 didn’t start on the best of note for me, I was confused as to how to handle certain areas of my life but two things I was sure to focus on were – personal development and service to God.
During the course of the year, things began to take better shape and form and though I can’t say I achieved my goals 100%, I definitely did above 70%.
If I am to summarize 2019 in three words, it will be –Β Learning, Experience, and Service.
There are certain highlights from the year that I’ll like to share with y’all, especially cos I wasn’t able to blog about them like I wanted to (I most likely will still write a blog post for some of them)
1. WIMBIZ Mentoring Program 2019. WIMBIZ was a major part of 2019. From winning a giveaway ticket in Dec 2018, to attending WIMBIZ Annual conference 2019, to registering to be a part of the WIMBIZ Mentoring 2019 Program and attending one of the WIMBIZ Lunch Roundtable events.
The WIMBIZ Mentoring Program was my first “official” mentoring experience and I’m so glad to have been paired with an amazing woman as my mentor. The seven months of mentorship was crucial to growth in my life and career. I’m truly grateful for the experience.
2. Attending WIMBIZ Annual Conference 2019.Β As you already read above, WIMBIZ was a great part of my 2019 and the WIMBIZ Annual conference is not one I’ll forget in a hurry. Thanks to Kemi Onanbanjo, I won a free ticket to the conference. I owe you all a full blog post on this.

3. Smashing My Financial Goal For 2019. 2018 was mostly not good for me financially, I wasn’t able to really save and so my goal in 2019 was to save a certain amount of money (can you guess?). To achieve this goal, I read more on finance, followed a lot more finance experts and diversified my savings and investments. Earlier in the year, I shared posts on investment options that you can start with. My main saving/investment channels were PiggyVest and Stanbic IBT Money Market Funds. Gladly, I smashed my finance goal even before December 2019.
4. Travelling to Ghana by Road. As the Ajala that I am, there are certain places on my travel bucket list that I haven’t got to tick yet. I and a few of my friends started planning to go on an Inter-country road trip with Ghana as our final destination. Fortunately, a friend linked us up with the AIESE Global Volunteering Program and viola, November had me packed and ready to cross 4 counties border to get to Ghana. I owe y’all a blog post on this
5. Growth in my Brand, Mivida. Apart from 9-5 Job, I run a lifestyle empowerment brand for young adults, Mivida. We organize events (Goal Setting Masterclasses, Vision Board Workshops, Beach Hangouts, etc.) amongst other things. This year, we launched our book club – a digital book club and you can join too; also, we started a new event to focus on Financial Empowerment tagged Money matters with Mivida, make sure to follow us on social media not to miss out on what’s to come in 2020.

6.Β New Relationships Forged and Old Relationships Maintained. One of my goals for 2019, inspired by my mentor, was to grow my social capital – increase the quality of people in my network both online and offline. This is still a goal for 2020. I’m so grateful for everyone that has impacted my 2019 positively, and also those whose 2019 I’ve impacted positively. Many thanks to you too, yes you, for coming back over and over to the blog, I appreciate you. Cheers to more in 2020.
I know this post is already getting too long already. I’ve missed sharing with y’all through the blog. I promise to share more posts in 2020 fam, make sure to subscribe so that you are the first to get new blog post notifications (cyberhugs).
So, how has your 2019 been? Share with me in the comment section.
More Pictures from the year:
What events/activities do you recognize from the pictures below?
This post definitely helped me especially where you wrote about Stanbic money market fund. Definitely hitting you up for more details
I’m glad to read this dear. Sure, let’s chat