Happy new year 2018 officially from The Esthitude Place.
It is with great joy that I welcome you to this year of groundbreaking exploits.
First and foremost, I will like to thank you all for sticking with us through 2017, your support, comment, likes, feedbacks, et al are appreciated.
By God’s grace, this year is going to be super-duper LIIITTT.
It is our year of WHOLESOME LIVING.
What does wholesome living mean?
Wholesome living means to live a wholesome life, a life well rounded and balanced, not lacking in any sphere.
To live this kind of life, Matthew 6:33 comes to mind:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matthew 6:33
Putting God first is the first secret to winning in this new year. I know you have all those great and amazing goals, but first Let God lead you. Commit the year into God’s hand, get the Word for the year from God and ask for wisdom to deal in the new year.
When you put God first, He helps you take care of the other areas.
Also, break down your goals into tasks and give them timelines that are workable.
Putting God first is the first secret to winning in this new year
Things to look toward from us at the blog: New categories like inspiring real-life stories, fiction series, etc.; monthly emails to our subscribers; event blogging/media partnerships; more consistency and engagements with our posts; giveaways; collaborationsΒ and more.
I want to believe that your goals are set for the year and that you have started working on them.
If no, get a journal or life planner and write down your goals for the year. When you write it out, it has a way of making you accountable.
The Outliers, an event organization founded by your own girl, Esthitude, is organizing a free Goal Setting Masterclass to teach you how to set and smash your goals ‘badassly’ in 2018. To indicate interest, send an email to theoutliersnetwork@gmail.com, or a text message to 07062932370 containing your name, phone number, email address and why you should be selected to attend.

Once again, thank you for joining us on the journey of 2017. Cheers to a wholesome 2018.

Loads of Love,
It’s gonna be an awesome 2018
Definitely, go have an amazing year.