So exams are around the corner, your courses are smiling sheepishly at you, lecturers are mounting pressures on you, and on a daily basis they slap you with materials they forgot to give you during the semester, of which you must read to pass.
Life seems to be upside down, and you can’t wait for the exams to come to an end.
On top of all these hustle and juggle, man must eat – for without food you cannot do anything.
Has it ever crossed your mind to give yourself a treat of “efo riro and semo”, or sumptuous meal of beans and plantain?
Please if it has, let me know, I wish to be like you when I grow up.
Well! Most often, students do not have the luxury of time for serious cooking. All they have in mind is to bury their faces in that ‘encyclopaedic textbook’, devour those voluminous hand-outs and ‘destroy’ any past question that comes their way.
On this note, I present to you 5 quick foods students run to during the periods of exams. Let’s roll together.
1. CEREAL ON THE GO: my hands are raised up here. I’m a major culprit. In times when you have to eat before going for that 8 a.m. paper, your cereal comes in handy.
It’s just an easy mix of cornflakes/golden morn, milk, sugar and water, and voila, I’m good to go. Yeah! A cereal box cannot be too expensive or its consumption too much in times like this.
2. BREAD AND BUTTER/EGG: the popular song goes ‘bread without butter is like a train without an engine’.

You just have to satisfy the needs of the worms, lest they disturb your line of thought in the exam hall. Here, your evergreen bread and butter will satisfy your fast food cravings.
3. NOODLES NEVER DIES: at morning, at noon and at night, you always sing the praise of noodles. You just cannot get tired of noodles. In times like this, it’s just as if your life depends on noodles. It is either noodles or noodles.
4. GARRI GANG: with or without money, man must chop. And who says garri is a food for the poor? It is a food for the serious student *inserts, smiling serious face*.

Too studious to think of what to eat? There is always one constant ‘K’ that you find in most students locker: garri and groundnut – it gives the perfect combo. Nothing more, nothing less.
5. READY MADE FOOD: shout out to all those who buy food every passing day of the week. Got no chills to cook at all, you get to a fast food joint, place your order and satisfy your hunger. Mission accomplished.

Whatever food you turn to, just ensure that you eat, eat and eat well. Food goes a long way in times like this. Never go on an empty stomach, it is dangerous.
Go and ace your exams, but remember EAT.
Image Source: Google Images
Oh my! So on point.
I’m currently writing exams and garri, noodles and ready made food have been coming to the rescue! Cereals would have joined if not because I’ve exhausted them and don’t wanna spend money. But trust,ive been enjoying myself. Love this post!
Thank you Atinuke, they are a sure staple for every student. Wish you success in your exams.