online portfolio

4 Easy Steps to Creating an Online Portfolio: A Freelancer’s Guide

Building an online portfolio is one way to, as a freelancer, get ahead in the market and we recommend it for you.

Opportunities abound everywhere, and with the internet, the world just got smaller. The online market grows every day and only those who know how to get around enjoy the benefits.

More interesting is the number of opportunities that are available to freelance workers, as long as they’re able to get in touch with the right audience. Building an online portfolio is one way to, as a freelancer, get ahead in the market and we recommend it for you.

Below are 4 easy steps to build your online portfolio:

1. Choose the right template: The first thing is setting up your portfolio to attract the right audience; choose the right template by giving a short introduction of yourself and what you do exactly. The goal is to make your audience know you in one glance. You can get several templates online by just using google search.

2. Showcase your projects: Anybody interested in you wants to see that you have an amount of experience under your belt and will desire to see what you have worked on previously, in order to make up their minds.

Take advantage of this by displaying your best work. It can feel strange to give your work away, especially when you’ve worked so hard to get it right. But giving away a tiny sample of what you do is a great way to get clients and employers interested.

If you have a lot of examples, choose the ones that best represent the type of audience you’re wishing to attract. And if you don’t have as many, create more by making practice projects. Be careful not to leave links or sloppy works that may discourage your audience.

3. Make it clear what you are about: In this part, you give details of what work you do or have done. This is the place to mention previous works or clients. List your key achievements and skills.

Even if none of your projects demonstrates those skills yet, showing that you have ambition and potential can go a long way. You could add a testimonial page of previous work so that the interest and integrity can be built.

Mentions, tags or recommendations should be included as well. Ask clients, co-workers, and supervisors to write reviews on your behalf, or a pre-made form if they prefer a structured questionnaire. In addition to attracting new clients, this strategy helps you stay in touch with past employers.

4. Make it easy to reach you: Clients won’t be able to work with you if they literally can’t find a way to reach you. To avoid this unfortunate mishap, include a contact form at the bottom of the portfolio.

You should include a link to your social media accounts because like it or not, social media plays a role in the hiring process. List your availability so prospective clients can work their schedule around your time.

Increase your visibility by creating a strong online presence, and you won’t have to worry about getting the next job.

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