Did you know that- a man sentenced to five years imprisonment five years ago will be released next week and he will thus have served his term and be free […]

Intentional Living 2017 + Some Of My Smashed Goals
Over the past 9 months in 2017, one of my major mantras has been Intentional Living and so far, it has worked for me. Intentional living means living life proactively […]

4+1 Major Keys To Intentional Living and a Life of MORE
A life of MORE: is an intentional life, a life that gets better by day, a fruitful life, a life on the increase, a life of integrity and honor, it is the kind of life that God wants for us

Song of the Week: Intentional by Travis Greene
The song Intentional by Travis Greene is a song I really love, and it is more than a song of the week for me..it is a song of the year and a song of a lifetime.

Living Life Intentionally in 2017 || First Blog Giveaway
Living life intentionally means living life proactively and realistically; not a reactive kind of living.
Yeah, things are definitely going to be more interesting this year and so, I’m going to be doing a giveaway. Somebody say Hooray!!! ππ