I recently listened to a message by Pastor Stephanie Ike, where she shared from Matthew 5:37: "But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." She spoke about…
Lifestyle Posts
Tips for Travelling to London on a Budget
Are you like me who has always dreamed of experiencing Christmas in London? Especially to see the Christmas lights and experience the Christmas markets in person? Have you ever wanted to travel on a budget? Well, we are definitely in…
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You’ve waited for so long, miracles is just another word people throw around. You are scared to dream, afraid to hope; your heart/hope has been dashed in many pieces, you […]

2020: The Year of Stretch
Hi Friend, thank you for stopping by to visit my blog. I couldn’t write to you as much this year though I shared more podcast episodes, you can listen to […]

A Love Letter To Abba
This year, God has been so faithful to me through the ups and downs and I couldn’t but write Him this love letter
A Dark Night: Journal of A Nigerian Youth
Deadline at work. Took a nap to regain energy. Woke up to the sight of blood on our country’s flag. Innocent citizens killed by men of the Armed Forces even […]

Worship As A Tool for Breakthrough
Life, as they say, no balance. Many people are going through difficult situations, some of which they can’t share even with the person closest to them and these problems or […]

In The Blink of An Eye
Did you know that life as you know it can change in the blink of an eye? Yes, in this story, Sade experienced it firsthand, I hope this story inspires […]

6 Lessons from The Documentary of Becoming by Michelle Obama
I first read the book Becoming by Michelle Obama sometime in 2019. It was a book that really inspired me and gave me hope especially as I read about how […]

An Ode to Christ: He Is Risen
It is resurrection Sunday, or Easter Sunday as many Christians call it. The day in itself is a remarkable day for us as Christians and as I read through my […]

Coronavirus: 7 Ways To Make The Best Of Staying At Home
With the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic all over the world, we are in a season unplanned for and it’s a difficult time for many countries all over the world, with many countries under lockdown as they try to manage the fast-flying ugly virus called COVID-19. Here are ways to make the best of staying/working from home.

Career Opportunities in Tech Apart From Programming
The tech space to many non-techies seems to be a space for weirdos whose hobbies are not more than drinking coffee, wearing hoodies and writing codes on black screens on […]