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Of Fear, Insecurity and Rejection: Tips on How I Overcame Rejection

We all have our share of fear. This emotion is strong in each person, depending on the subject.

But the one we all have about the same degree of is the fear or rejection. It is the common fear among humans.
Today, we’ll discuss seven tips to help you understand this emotion and triumph over it when it hits you because that is how rejection feels like when it comes

Do Life Big

Song of the Week: Do Life Big by Jamie Grace

I think we as humans, many times, sell ourselves short. Due to fear, worry, self-doubt and what the society says, we do not believe we can be more, unfortunately, many settle in mediocrity.

Do Life Big by Jamie Grace is a song that tells you to pause, analyze where you are, meditate and listen to the inner voice whispering YOU CAN.

8 Things I Do When I Am Having A Bad Day or Feel Down

We’ve all got our bad days. Days when things are not going as planned, you’ve had a bad experience or something.
Some days it’s easier to overcome a bad mood; some other times, bad mood/days could last a week, month or year depending on the cause. Here are 8 things I do when I am having a bad day.



Rejection is a part of life, however, how we handle it determines how well or bad our lives become eventually. At some point in time in our lives, we are bound to face one form of rejection or the other. It could either be rejection from social circles, a job offer, or whatever. Let me share with you 5 practical steps on how to handle rejection