As I sat in church after service yesterday, I had a bit of meditation moment. As I sat there, admiring the beautiful structure of the church, my mind went to […]

The Women Who Showed Up
The daughters of Zelophehad showed up. Their father was the son of Hepher son of Gilead son of Makir son of Manasseh, belonging to the clans of Manasseh son of […]

Of Photoshoot, Birthday and Restaurant Review
Growing up, my birthday/birthdays weren’t much of a big deal for me, there were some level of celebration at home, but it wasn’t ever like a big deal. Photoshoot Ish […]

2020: The Year of Stretch
Hi Friend, thank you for stopping by to visit my blog. I couldn’t write to you as much this year though I shared more podcast episodes, you can listen to […]

A Love Letter To Abba
This year, God has been so faithful to me through the ups and downs and I couldn’t but write Him this love letter

In The Blink of An Eye
Did you know that life as you know it can change in the blink of an eye? Yes, in this story, Sade experienced it firsthand, I hope this story inspires […]

6 Lessons from The Documentary of Becoming by Michelle Obama
I first read the book Becoming by Michelle Obama sometime in 2019. It was a book that really inspired me and gave me hope especially as I read about how […]

The Little Things
As we journey through life, sometimes we happen to life and sometimes, life happens to us and all of life happenings tend to affect the kind of person we become […]

Looking Back on 2019 And The Decade
2019 didn’t start on the best of note for me, I was confused as to how to handle certain areas of my life but two things I was sure to focus on were – personal development and service to God. But things began to pick up… Read the full story here…

Waiting: A Short Story
Waiting is a short story about two ladies on being patient and still trusting in God even in the storms of life. Read, share and be blessed.