Procrastination – the thief of time. Have you ever planned to carry out an activity, and you see yourself moving it to another time; perhaps a more convenient time, or […]
Of Little Things and Mustard Seeds
Did you know that- a man sentenced to five years imprisonment five years ago will be released next week and he will thus have served his term and be free […]
The Pains of an Emotion-Driven Life
By default, it is normal for human beings to live an emotion-driven life based on the challenges prevalent. Being emotional about some issues makes you shallow, peripheral and not a […]
Proven Tips on Best Use of Time on The Bus – My Story
If the total number of time on the bus or time spent moving from one place to another was calculated, it would be a shock to find out that a […]
Of Fear, Insecurity and Rejection: Tips on How I Overcame Rejection
We all have our share of fear. This emotion is strong in each person, depending on the subject.
But the one we all have about the same degree of is the fear or rejection. It is the common fear among humans.
Today, we’ll discuss seven tips to help you understand this emotion and triumph over it when it hits you because that is how rejection feels like when it comes
8 Things I Do When I Am Having A Bad Day or Feel Down
We’ve all got our bad days. Days when things are not going as planned, you’ve had a bad experience or something.
Some days it’s easier to overcome a bad mood; some other times, bad mood/days could last a week, month or year depending on the cause. Here are 8 things I do when I am having a bad day.
Rejection is a part of life, however, how we handle it determines how well or bad our lives become eventually. At some point in time in our lives, we are bound to face one form of rejection or the other. It could either be rejection from social circles, a job offer, or whatever. Let me share with you 5 practical steps on how to handle rejection
Fulfilling Your Life’s Goal Through Personal Development
Some weeks ago, I was opportune to facilitate and share with some young professionals at 2 different programs and a different audience on the topic – Fulfilling Your Life’s Goal […]
The Fallacy Of Early Journey: An Irony of Life
There’s a fallacy of “early journey”. The fact that friends started their journey before you, doesn’t necessarily mean they will arrive their destination before you. In fact, no two persons destination are the same.
It’s June 2018 – Time for Goal Review and A Change of Mindset
Apart from the fact that it’s the last month in the first half of the year, hence a need to start doing goal review, I am really excited about the start of the second half of this year. To make the best of the rest of the year, you not only need a goal review, you need the right mindset.