Which of you by taking thought can add unto his stature? (Matthew 6: 27).
Worry comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word ‘to strangle’. Well just as it is, worry’s single occupation is simply to strangle and sniff life out of our very being.
Worry is so bad it affects our essence – physically, spiritually, emotionally et al.
Truth be told, as humans we have every reason to worry- it’s a fallout of the sin committed in Eden. We worry about the future, what it has in store for us, the cares of this world.

As natural humans, we have to think ahead, make plans for the generation yet to be born, gain as much wealth that will last us till we breathe our last.
In all of our taking thoughts, we fail to realise that God has made provisions for all it is that we need. He says to us in His word ‘casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you’ (1 Peter 5: 7).
There are many promises in the Holy Scriptures that if activated will last us till the coming of Christ without us having to worry one bit.
Together let us go through the pathetic effect of worrying, and the blissful result of leaving things in God’s hands.
A man that worries carries a heavy burden.
The burden wears him out so badly that it begins to have a negative impact on his health, bringing along its cousins of high blood pressure, lack of productivity, disorientation. It doesn’t leave him at this, it chokes his spirit man, leaving him dry.
When we put all our cares in God’s hands, we have rest on every side.
‘Come unto me all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11:28).
Aside the rest we have, there is a peace that passes all understanding.
Friend! Why worry when worry won’t solve your problems? Take your worries to God and leave it there.
Thanks for reminding us! and we are often caught unaware in its trap.
All thanks be to God. Go live a worry-free life👍👍