Is it possible to have an intensive yet productive weekend? If yes, how can one achieve that?
Well, here’s a little story for you.
Hi family, how have y’all been? Long time no post, I’ve missed blogging, but hey, I’m here with juicy details from my weekend. Trust your weekend was amazing too.

I’ve realized that I am able to make the best of the weekend or any day when I plan ahead and so I was able to make the best of the weekend because I had most of my to-do planned ahead.
The weekend for me was event-full and eventful, thankfully, I was able to make the most of it.
The weekend started with me attending a vigil on Friday evening, then getting home the next morning to prepare for the mentoring program my friend, Mary (Convener of The Multiwoman Conference),was organizing for ladies.
The mentoring program was a way for me to support my friend and contribute to one of the causes I am passionate about, women empowerment. The program was a very enriching one, I was the anchor for the event and it was amazing to have a room full of women who were willing to learn and get stretched to fulfil their potential.

After the mentoring program, I had to get to Computer Village, Ikeja to get my phone fixed, then to Yaba to get extensions for my hair before heading to my hairdresser place to get my hair done. After that, I did some other running around, by the time I was done my head was banging, as I had not slept a wink yet (well, except for times when I dozed at the vigil).
Sunday for me was a morning of awesome worship in God’s presence, then I and my friend had to attend the GTB Food and Drink fair as that was the best time we had to attend.

As a foodie and one who likes to try out new things, I wasn’t going to pass on the opportunity to attend the fair as I hadn’t attended one before.
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So around noon ish, we made our way to Water Corporation Drive, Oniru, Lagos and I’m so glad I attended.
I mean, an event where I could just walk and appreciate different categories of food – raw processed, cooked, grilled, baked, etc. and drinks too.

I wouldn’t say that the venue was so jam-packed though there were lots of people in attendance. We walked through the different stalls, tasting free food, taking pictures, dancing while being captured on the 360 camera, and basically just having a good time.
In terms of cash, we didn’t spend so much. The event is free entry and you really don’t have to buy anything except you want to, though there were lots of temptations.
Personally, I decided not to buy anything that I would normally get at a food place. So, I bought pepper soup spice for 500 naira; while strolling through, I got ice cream (cone) for 300 naira and finally, I bought of a bowl of delicious amala from “Amala toh sure” stand for just 500 naira. Basically, 2 wraps of amala for 200 naira, then Orisirisi (Ponmo, Beef and Shaki) for 300 naira.

It was a beautiful experience with loads of pictures to testify.
We couldn’t stay for too long as we had another program to attend before the day was over, a program on Anxiety and Depression for Young Adults in my church. Thankfully, Lagos traffic wasn’t so much, so I was able to meet up with the program and that was another enlightening discussion as we discussed issues that leads to anxiety and depression, signs to look out for and things to avoid.
Now this post is getting long already. I’m just going to wrap this up with two lessons:
1. Don’t just do life in a boring way: explore, try out new things (good things of course), attend conferences, meet new people, create memories that will last and also find time to rest.
2. Planning ahead always make for a more effective use of one’s time, so learn to plan ahead. Have a to-do list and try to always work out of a list.
I wish you an amazing week and new month ahead.
More Pictures:

Love and Light,
Great! Great! I hope to maximize my weekends the more
How awemmaazzzinnngg!!.
But babe…you didn’t even ask me to tag along for the food and drink something..
Thanks babe, mabinu jare. Thanks for reading through, dear.
That’s a great idea, thanks for reading through, Samuel.
All work and no play makes JACK a dull boy, but wait oo only you waka chop this, it is well.
Keep teaching us to enjoy without practical, smiles… You look sweet.
Lol, mabinu dear. But you can still attend cos it runs till the 1st of May