Hello Friends, welcome to the sequel post to Owning 2018 from Now
In the previous post, I explained to you why you need to own the year. Summarily:
At the beginning of 2017, one of the words God gave me for the year is INTENTIONAL, and I’ve tried as much as possible to live intentionally, and just a few days ago, a friend reminded me about intentionally following Jesus.
Last month, I began to think about 2018 and I felt God say, you’ve been intentional in 2017, in 2018, you are not just going to be intentional, YOU ARE GOING TO OWN THE YEAR. That resonated within me and I’ve begun to own 2018 already, are you with me on this?
Also, I started sharing with you crucial keys to owning the year. Join me as I share with you crucial but easy steps that will help you have a good start in 2018 and also help you OWN THE YEAR.
1. Determine to own 2018. The first step to owning anything is by first realizing the need to own that particular thing; to own 2018, first make an intentional decision to own the year. Intentionally decide to own the year, to make the year the best you’ve ever had. Of course, there is the God-factor, you also need to pray it into reality.
2. Do an audit of 2017 as a whole. To make 2018 as awesome as you aim for it to be, you need to do an audit of how you spent 2017; financial audit, career audit, etc. Go through the goals you set for 2017 and check how many of it you were able to achieve, strike out those you still plan to smash before the year runs out.
Read about how to live life intentionally here.
3. Realise your high points and achievements during the year 2017 and note down how you were able to achieve them.
4. Reminisce about your shortcomings in 2017 and note the likely traits, trends or circumstances that caused them.
5. Get a word from God for the year 2018.

6. Get a journal/diary or life planner, also get a daily devotional book for 2018.
7. Start making projections/goals for the new year, taking into consideration the weak and high points of the previous year; also take into considerations the goals you weren’t able to achieve in the previous year.
8. Write out and map out your plan for 2018 ( be flexible though). I’ll do an elaborate post on this soon.
9. Pray ahead and hope for the best.
Some of the aforementioned steps are easily understandable while some others need more elaboration. I’ll write another post to elaborate on them, but I’m sure you’ve learnt a new thing or maybe five new things.
How do you plan to put these steps into practice? Have you started planning for 2018? How many percent of your goal for 2017 have you smashed?
Share with me in the comment section below.
Till my next post comes your way, Stay Awesome.