When you hear the word ‘addiction’, what comes to your mind? The first thing that comes to the mind of an average man is usually a negative inclination. Well! Addictions are usually in the negative as well as
The first thing that comes to the mind of an average man is usually a negative inclination. Well! Addictions are usually in the negative as well as in the positive. As we have people who are addicted to negative things, so do we have people addicted to positive things.
Addiction is said to be a strong desire to do or have something (positive or negative) without being able to desist from it. It can also be defined as a strong inclination to something which if stopped could lead to a trauma. An addict is a person who is very interested in doing something and spends a lot of time doing it.
From the above, it is evident that addiction is a balanced phenomenon as opposed to the tilt towards the negative that is attached to it. Subsequently, I’ll discuss addictions both on the negative and positive, how to overcome the negative and improve on the positive.
Subsequently, I’ll discuss addictions both on the negative and positive, how to overcome the negative and improve on the positive.
It’s noteworthy to know that addiction does not jump on a person overnight. It is a habit picked up and developed over time, either consciously or unconsciously.
Centuries past and time present, we have heard and we know of various forms of negative addictions, ranging from drug addiction to porn addiction, sex addiction, and much more. Taking a cursory look at the various forms of negative addictions prominent it is observed that the victims are left in a worse state than they were before they started.
Sadly, many of the victims do not realize that they are caught in the web of these addictions, and cannot break free no matter how hard they try to do. They could be compared to a dog that goes back to its vomit, or a sow that goes back to the mire after it has been washed. Due to their continuous journey in circles, they capitulate, believing that breaking free is a herculean task.
Good news! These addictions are not problems past a solution. I have a panacea that can completely set a willing person free. It is found in the man called CHRIST, and His blood is capable of setting you free.Invite Him to your life today, and you will be glad you did.

On the flip side, there are varieties of positive addictions, of which little or nothing is said. Let’s take a quick look at some of these positive addictions. We have Christ addicts, perfectionists, success addicts, love (not lust) addicts, etc. These addictions when cultivated and left to blossom changes the life of a man, particularly one who is addicted to Christ and His love.
What sort of addict are you? What are you addicted to? Have you ever broken free from an addiction before? How were you able to achieve it? Have questions?
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