Recently, a friend requested of me that I write a piece on the Proverbs 31 (henceforth referred to as P31) woman and shortly before that time, I had just read a piece that someone wrote on the P31 man.
Have you ever noticed that there are so many write-ups, seminars, books, etc. focused on the P31 woman? But how many are on the P31 man or do people even consider that there is the part that the P31 man is supposed to play?
Mostly, it is just okay to have every woman, lady, sister preached to or charged on the topic of the P31 woman (I’m not saying this is bad) while the men, brothers just stay at the river bank waiting to snag one of them fresh P31 women.
Is the P31 woman just for any man? Have you ever noticed that there are some verses preceding the verses that describes the P31 woman? Have you ever bothered to go through the content of those verses?
The book of Proverbs chapter 31 has 31 verses with about 22 verses dedicated to the description of this smart and hard working woman and her family (some verses describe the kind of man her husband is). But the first 9 verses are as important as the last 22 verses.
Our society needs not just the P31 women but also P31 men, mothers, spinsters and bachelors. To my brothers in Christ: as you challenge sisters to be more like the P31 woman, also pick up the challenge of being like the P31 man (remember in the Bible context, he was a king also check out the kind of man her husband was). God wouldn’t give His queens and princesses to any man. If you want a P31 woman then go ahead and become a P31 man.
Here’s to becoming better Christians, sisters, brothers, parents, spouses, persons. Here’s to a better society.
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This is a good one, P31 Men. Thanks for doing this.
Thanks @Sunny.
P31 men.. good word my sis.. nice n kudos to you.
Thank you very much Babs for your time and kind words