Fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Walk with God is at the top of knowledge.
Hurrah! It’s a new month and just 4 months before the end of 2018.

As we review the past months of the year, I’ll like to focus on an important area of life, your faith life.
First is this question –
As 2018 progressed, how did your spiritual life fair? As a tripartite being, did you care for your soul?
Now, we progress –
It is important that as you take care of your physical body and care for your outer needs, that you do not forget the part that matters most, your inner man.
Is your inner man starved? What does your soul feed on? Is your mind totally connected and submitted to the things of God?
I’ll like you to pause right now and reflect on your spiritual journey so far, especially this year.
How will you rate your relationship with God? Or there has been no relationship at all?
A man who walks with God always gets to his destination.
This is a call to action – that you focus on what is most important.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36 (KJV)
Write down at least 2 things that you’ll do differently this month to deepen your relationship with God and break it down into daily steps.
As you walk with Jesus, resting your head on His heart, you will learn to know His Word, His will, and His ways.
Starting today, take action and start working toward achieving them.
I wish you a month filled with peace, contentment, progress and a deeper walk with God.