Over the past 9 months in 2017, one of my major mantras has been Intentional Living and so far, it has worked for me.
Intentional living means living life proactively and realistically; not a reactive kind of living.
It is important to know that an intentional life doesn’t mean a problem-free life or a smooth ride.
It means that when life throws you lemon, you decide to make lemonade out if it instead of setting your teeth on edge. It means that when you fall, you don’t remain on the floor; you pick up yourself and keep on moving.
-Excerpts from a post shared earlier in the year.
If there are any lessons I’ve learned in the past few months, they are:
1. Being Intentional.
If you want something so much and work towards it, you’ll soon get that thing. – Esthitude
September was a month of Thanksgiving, and I have a lot to be thankful for. Some of the things I’m thankful for are the notable achievements/progress I made, especially as touching my goals.
Some of which are:
— The Outliers Network: The Outliers Network (TON), is a pet project of mine that I launched just last month. In few words, TON is an organization with a focus on events, conferences and meet-ups.
TON seats as a hub for all upcoming conferences, events and hangouts that we are looking to organize and coordinate; first of which is The Tribers Beach Hangout(TTBH) which comes up on the 9th of December. Follow our page on Instagram and Facebook for more information. For sponsorship or partnership, send an email to theoutliersnetwork@gmail.com

— Speaking Engagements In Lagos. I was opportune to speak at two events last month. One was the Ajegunle LIFE program organized by Paradigm Initiative Nigeria (PIN) where I spoke to post-secondary school students on the topic : “Shaping My Destiny – How can I create my employment future“, the second was the WordPress Lagos Meet-up where I spoke to bloggers and WordPress developers on the topic: “Tips on how to succeed as a new blogger on the block“.
— Personal Re-branding and Blog Re-branding. As part of my goals at the beginning of the year, I created the official social media pages for the blog separate from my personal social media handles. My graphics designer, Samuel Obadina, also gifted me my brand logo as a birthday gift.
Over the past 9 months, the blog has progressed despite my busy schedule, and now, we have two new interns… Yeah, things are getting more serious. Make sure you subscribe to the blog, so you don’t miss out on all the great
Make sure you subscribe to the blog, so you don’t miss out on all the exciting things we have in store.

— Self-hosting the blog. Self-hosting the blog has been in my plans for over a year, but I started taking it more serious this year and my big sis, Tola, was also on my neck for this. This too has been ticked done on my list.
Kindly note that you can still read all your favourite posts from the former blog here.
I hope you are also catching the Intentional Living vision. You cannot be reading this blog and be living unintentionally, it is NOT ALLOWED.
2. Building the right net-worth.
Your network is your net-worth. You’ll do yourself a world of good if you start building your net-worth intentionally. That is why you shouldn’t miss the hangout in December.
In building your net-worth: don’t forget to people who helped you get to where you are, don’t neglect family and remember to lift others along the way.
So dear friends, we have about 3 months to smash some more goals.
How has 2017 been at your end so far?
Hope you haven’t given up on your goals?
Do not quit. Remember Winners are not Quitters.
Cheers to intentional living.
You have done well. Thumbs up