Investing in yourself is one of the best gift you could ever give yourself and like most investment, the returns/dividend are long-term. Investing in oneself should be a lifetime practice.
The question you might want to ask Is, “what exactly does investing in oneself mean? “, “how does one invest in oneself? “, “what are the benefits of investing in oneself? “.
I’ll try my best to use this post to answer these questions.
- Invest in MYSELF, WHAT?
Many times when you hear the word INVEST, what comes to your mind most times is financial investment, and though that is part of it, investment is beyond that.Β According to English Dictionary, to invest also means “To spend money, time, or energy into something, especially for some benefit or purpose.”

That is, investment can be defined as committing resources into something, for future benefit or purpose. This, investing in yourself means committing resources (such as time, energy or money) into yourself for a purpose or future benefit. It means you consider yourself important enough to improve on.
- Invest in MYSELF, WHY?
The first reason why you should invest in yourself is: IF YOU DO NOT INVEST IN YOURSELF, NO ONE ELSE WILL.
Other reasons why you should invest in yourself are:
— It builds self-confidence
— It makes for a better you
–It changes the way you interact with others
— It reflects the way you see yourself and proves that you are not stagnant. You are important, it is important that you know this.
— It helps to secure your future. The best time to build the future you want is now
- Invest in MYSELF, WHEN?
Like I mentioned earlier, self-investment should be a lifetime practice and it should start as soon as Β early as possible maybe as early as you can spell your name. An adage says ” The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the next best time is NOW”, you might have spent the earlier part of your life ‘faffing’* but it’s better late than never.
Aim to live a life of value, aim to be better than you were a year/month/week/day ago. Learn, serve, give and aim to die empty.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as (and maybe more than) i did writing it. What are your thoughts on investing in oneself? In what ways have you been investing in yourself?
So, it’s the blog 2-year anniversary this month and I’m not sure how to celebrate this. What would you suggest as the best way to celebrate this?Β
Let’s get talking, see you in the comment section.
P.S: watch out for the part two of this post where I’ll share with you ways and areas in which you should invest yourself.
‘faffing’ – a state of being idle.
Great suggestions and I just loved your post. It’s just awesome !! ππ
Thank you Abhijith, i appreeciate your feedback. Look forward to seeing you more on the blog. cheers
You are welcome π. Your blog is really awesome and inspiring. You have a great gift within you.Please continue blogging and inspire people around you π. And if you can please do visit my blog and let me know about it. It would be really helpful π. This is the link to my blog
Thanks again, Abhijith. Your blog is also great, you have awesome posts. Cheers to better blogging and more impact.
Thanks so much my friend π
I once thought I had known it all when it comes to my craft, but after seeing the vast resources on YouTube, downloaded close to 1 TB of video tutorials(tanks to OAU intecu) everything changed, am telling. Everything .
Now I know that no amount is too much to spend in the quest for knowledge.
Great piece here, apt as always. Kudos
Thanks for your contribution, Cutest. Definitely, there’s so much to learn and the internet has provided easier access to learning materials.
However, you didn’t say anything as touching the blog’s second year anniversary. WHat would you sugeest to celebrate the blog’s 2-year anniversary
This is inspiring. How about organising a meetup for the 2-year anniversary?
Thank you, Jola. I appreciate your feedback.A meetup, hmm, that sounds nice.