
How to Balance Your Life, Faith, and Career in a Busy Season

Life, just like the earth, comes in different seasons. However, unlike the earth’s four seasons, life has so many seasons depending on the stage of life one may be in. One season that we’ll all face at some point is the busy season.

A few days ago, as I studied my devotional on the YouVersion app about women in the Bible, I got to study Mary and Martha again. A passage that tells a story about the struggle between the busy woman and the woman who chose to focus on Jesus fully. The devotional was so relatable, I had to tweet about it.

Finding Balance

As I went through my devotional that day, I could relate totally with Martha, while I also had that desire to be like Mary; then one thing came to mind: In finding the balance between Mary and Martha, maybe there’s really no 50/50 balance, perhaps, just maybe, I can infuse both of them into who I am, seeking the face of the Father even at my place of assignments:

  • Washing plates but reciting memory verses
  • Writing codes for long hours but playing gospel music/audio message alongside
  • Going out for the sales pitch but leaving some tracts at the car/bus park/reception
  • Going out daily and ensuring to carry the presence of the Father with me

January and even February have been such a busy season for me, it almost feels like end-of-year with a sprinkle of burnout and this is why Mary and Martha’s story spoke to me so much during that devotional study: having to find a balance between wanting to be at my Father’s feet, learning and studying, and also ensuring I do not drop the balls with my work and other areas of my life.

As I ruminate on my life and how everything seems to be moving so fast at the same time: work is working, life is lifing, and of cos, Nigeria is Nigeriaing. #sigh; I reflected on the need to still find some sort of balance amidst all.

In finding the balance between Mary and Martha, maybe there’s really no 50/50 balance, perhaps, just maybe, I can infuse both of them into who I am. Share on X

Here are some of the thoughts that have come to mind:

  1. Have a to-do list: This is definitely key to effectively tracking one’s tasks and ensuring prioritisation of key tasks and responsibilities.
  2. Delegate and leverage the people around you:- this is one thing I’m learning to do both in my personal life, and also at work. I, for instance, have someone who manages my brand’s social media pages; I also am learning to leverage my colleagues to get some tasks down instead of taking it all on myself. You can also leverage this method to lessen the workload on you.
  3. Make the best of your focus period:- this is another thing I practice a lot more these days. Knowing that I am not always my most productive self, I try to leverage those productive periods to get a lot of work done, so that I don’t feel guilty/burdened in my not-so-productive seasons.
  4. Inculcate worship into everything you do:- This is a very practical way to practice the presence of God all through one’s day: listen to godly music, play audio messages, listen to podcasts that add value, play audio Bible, etc.
  5. Take intentional breaks: Pause and take a moment to reflect, you’ll feel refreshed and more invigorated after.
  6. Remind yourself of who you are: don’t let the stress/busy situations redefine you; practice affirmations and journaling and regularly remind yourself of who you are.
  7. Show up regardless: Even on the days you don’t feel like, show up still, your future self will thank you for it.

Remember that God will not allow us to go through more than we can handle per time. He is building strength and resilience in us, refining us thru life’s fire to become better persons.

Suggested Read: You Are Due For A Personal Retreat

Like my pastor said a person of resilience is known in times of stress/adversity, and a captain is truly known in times of war; so, if you are going through a tough time or busy season, you can still be a person of faith, you can still have time for family, you can still have joy.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” – James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As I was writing this post, I came across an insightful IG post on Stress-Induced depression linked here. I think everyone going through a busy season should read it.

Cheers to living our best life through all of life’s seasons.
Your fellow life sojourner,


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