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Living Life Intentionally in 2017 || First Blog Giveaway

Holla my beautiful readers, how is 2017 looking at your end?

One of my major mantra for this year is to live life intentionally and exceptionally.

Live life intentionally

Just what does living intentionally mean?

According to the English dictionary, intentional means :
1. Intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily.
2. (legal) Done with intent.

I’m sure you now have an idea of what I am talking about. Living life intentionally means living life proactively and realistically; not a reactive kind of living.

2016 for me was a year of growth and learning. 2017 is a year of going beyond limits, living on purpose and taking territories. It is a year of being intentional.

Dear friends, you are valuable. Do not let the words or acts of others make you think otherwise.

You are smart; you can smash ’em goals. You are who you say you are.
Decide to live an intentional and exceptional life this year, and you’ll be the better for it. Learn to speak and confess positively about your circumstances; speak those things that be not into existence through faith.

It is important to know that an intentional life doesn’t mean a problem-free life or a smooth ride.

It means that when life throws you lemon, you decide to make lemonade out if it instead of setting your teeth on edge. It means that when you fall, you don’t remain on the floor; you pick up yourself and keep on moving.

Be intentional
You have to BE INTENTIONAL. 

Press on towards your goals. It is easy to forget new year resolutions, but when you choose to live intentionally, you go beyond new year resolutions and progress to living exceptionally. Appreciate the little and major achievements, enjoy the process of ‘Becoming’, be thankful for every stage of your life and the people in it. When we live intentionally, we live, laugh, love, and learn.

Cheers to an Intentional 2017.

If you read through to this point, I’m sure you are glad you did ( I am glad you did too). Watch out for more enriching posts this year.

In other news, there has been a major makeover done on the blog recently, anybody noticed?

What do you guys think about the new face of the blog?

Also, we have an official fan page for the blog on Facebook (@ The Esthitude Place) , Instagram (@ theesthitudeplace) and Twitter (@EsthitudePlace) . Kindly like and follow our pages to be updated with all the interesting and inspiring things we have in store.

Yeah, things are definitely going to be more interesting this year and so, I’m going to be doing a giveaway. Somebody say Hooray!!! 🙌😁

Who doesn’t like freebies? So to qualify for a freebie: like and follow our official social media pages; invite your friends to like our page by sharing the page on facebook, twitter and instagram; also mention three major differences on the blog from what we had before (in the comment section below).

In this first giveaway, there’ll be just one lucky winner selected. Entries end by 23rd of January, and the freebie is a gift card worth #1000. Leggo 💃.

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