There she stands,

by the window

phone in hand

baby on her back 

Notion is open

she goes through her to-do list

pushing through each task,


There she sits,

pen in hand

hand in mid-air

she pauses to recollect her thoughts 

plans for what her family will eat the next day

oh no, it’s for data to include in the slide she’s preparing,


There she is,

growing in her career

making good strides

and good money

but the bills are unending 

she’s got aged parents 

and siblings to take care of,


There she goes,

travelling the world 

taking beautiful pictures

telling beautiful stories

but it is not enough 

she must have a man

or how else is she able to afford all these?


There she stays,

growing in her field

having to prove herself 

twice as much

yet she does not relent 

she stays consistent 

delivering excellent work.


She is every woman,

She is you,

She is me.


And so she thrives,

Despite the hurdles,

She is fully known,

Fully seen,

By the One who made her.


He calls her beautiful,

He calls her brave,

He calls her bold,

He calls her MINE


Don’t stop now, my lady,

Keep shining,

Keep showing up,

In your light,

Other women are lighted up.


This is

For her,

For every woman,

You are Known. Loved. Seen.


Love always,

You fellow queen,

Abba’s Daughter,


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