Dear Abba,
Right here, right now,
Down at your feet,
I find rest,
There is a stillness in my soul,
My heart is finding calmness again,
My gaze has shifted away from the storm,
I’m focused on you,
The unhealthy pressure is seeping off,
I’m letting go of all stress triggers,
It’s coming to mind again,
The reminder that my identity is in you,
Not in my job, and not in any other thing or person,
Down at your feet,
Is the most high place,
Here my soul can truly rest and rejuvenate,
I’m coming up higher,
Digging deeper,
Learning to focus on what truly matters,
You alone, are what matters,
You are my source, my motivation, my joy,
In you I can truly BE.
Thank you, Abba,
Keep me rooted and grounded in you,
Today and always🙏
Suggested Read: The Promised Land: Of Waiting In Obscurity
Your Fave Girl,