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When The GodMen Ruled

There was a time when the Godmen ruled, men that didn’t need title or positions to lead.

True, there were kings, but the kings/decision makers needed to consult with the Godmen before taking actions.

In times of battle or when major decisions were to be made, the king/ruler would need to enquire from the Godmen whether to go or not, what strategies to employ, etc.

A “Godman” is any man or woman who is totally committed to the things of God

This is because the Godmen were what they were, MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD. No, they might not have been in political positions, but they were men and women of importance, filled with divine wisdom and had an understanding of the times.

Men that were not scared of saying the truth, who would stand up to anyone, not caring who was in power. Men that were not terrified of battles, men whose hearts were always connected with God and the only thing they detested was anything that God is displeased at. Men that were willing to risk it all for God.

Suggested Read: 8 Simple Steps to Personal Branding in the Social Media Age

Today, however, we need to ask ourselves, especially those of us that claim to be children of God, “how are we living our lives?”

Godmen like Elijah, Deborah, Moses, Daniel, John, Peter, Paul, Priscilla had different personalities, but they had certain attributes in common. Some of which are – they were prayerful, filled with the Spirit of God, committed to the things of God, bold in and for the things of God, obedient, wrought great acts through God’s grace in their lives, and more.

In our age and society, however, what we see is more of bark than bite. We call ourselves the Graced ones, but God’s grace is not so evident in our lifestyles.

Godmen today, don’t spend enough time immersed in Prayer, Worship and the Word.

To be able to be relevant significantly in our generation, especially as Godmen, the starting and ending point must be in God.

Suggested Read: Song of the Week: Crazy Faith by John Waller

Rekindle that fire, if it’s going down; find more time to pray, meditate and study the Word; show love to others and tell them about God’s love for humanity and the sacrifice Christ paid on the cross for us all.


Are you a Godman? Have you handed over the affairs of your life to Christ? Are you heaven’s ambassador?

If yes, then keep the flag flying, raise the banner high, for soon, our Master will return for us. May He meet us prepared, Amen.

If no, I’m using this opportunity to invite you to receive God’s love into your heart and life. God sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to die for you, and He is extending His hand of love to you today.

Open your heart to him and accept His love into your heart. All it takes is that you believe that He died for you, acknowledge your sinfulness and helplessness without Him, ask Him to cleanse you from your sins and give you the grace to GO AND SIN NO MORE.

May His Grace and Love continually abide with you and me. Amen.



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