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The 8 Mindsets of Billionaires by Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma is one of the world’s premier speakers on Leadership and Personal Mastery. He is the author of great books like – The Leader Who Had No Title, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, The 5AM Club (this being his most recent books).

I first got to know about Robin Sharma when a friend borrowed me his book – The Leader Who Had No Title. Reading his book, I got hooked on his writing style and fortunately, another friend gifted me his book – The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ( a book on self-discovery and personal mastery). In between all of these, I started following him on Instagram and also subscribed to newsletters from his website .

Almost every other day/week, I get inspiring write-ups (just like the one i’m about to share with you) from him in my mail.

Read: 5 Book Recommendations for YOU

Recently, while checking through my mail, I came across this email from him on the 8 Mindsets of Billionaires. Reading through the mail, I decided, I was going to share this with y’all.

Here goes… I hope you get inspired by at least one of the posts below and push for gold.

The 8 Mindsets of Billionaires by Robin Sharma – Mail Content.

Esther, I hope you’re amazing.

I’ve been working as the private advisor to celebrated billionaires for a long time and thought it would be helpful to your rise if I shared 8 of the dominant mindsets that glorify their performance.

I’ll get right into them, if I may…

Mindset #1: If people don’t laugh, the dream is too small.

Mindset #2: The journey will be hard yet the voyage will be worth it.

Mindset #3: The bigger the dream, the more important will be a remarkable team.

Mindset #4: Fortune favors the relentless [and punishes the passive].

Mindset #5: The one who delivers the best value to the most people wins.

Mindset #6: To have the results very few have, one must think the thoughts and run the routines very few do.

Mindset #7: Last year’s championship performance is this year’s starting point.

Mindset #8: Why do it if it’s not going to be fun?

I hope you’ve learned a point or two from these points. I wish you an amazing week and life.

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