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Something Missing


There is something missing
I do not know what it is
Its name eludes me
But I dearly need it

I’m in need of something
It’s absence make me feel bereft
If you know what it is
If you know where it is
Please get it for me.

Ever had that feeling, when you know you need something but you can’t figure it out?
It could be a forgotten wristwatch or a misplaced item,but it’s absence is really felt. You don’t know what it is until you find it.
Well I feel like I’m in one of such moments, life has really changed my timetable and normal routine, and I’m trying to find a balance in my new path.
So I do what I know how to do well, I write.
Thanks for stopping by to read today’s blog post. I’m in a place where I can’t really blog as often as I like, but I promise to update the blog as often as possible.

Cheers to a new month. Remember, the first half of the year is quickly coming to an end, how are those goals you made at the beginning of the year looking? Hurry up, ‘cos before you know it, the year’s gonna wrap up.

Have a joyyyfffulll and fulfilling June, and don’t forget to be AMAZING.


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