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Lessons from The Movie: Pepper Love

The wife

Holla dearies, I just watched the movie, Pepper Love, from the staples of Mount Zion Faith Ministries (MZFM), and I thought to share with you the lessons I learnt.

Pepper Love is a short and interesting movie produced by Damilola Mike-Bamiloye of MZFM.

It is a movie that typifies what is going on in some Christian families. The movie is set in a car, as a man drives his family to Church but discovers that he’s driving his family away from Christ.

There were 4 casts in the movie; a man, his wife, his daughter and a church member. The little girl in the movie really played her part well.

She’s so cute and she acted well. 

The movie started with the man( recently ordained as a pastor) blaming his wife as he drove to Church for not preparing breakfast for him that morning; it degenerated to a serious argument, “insult-sharing spree”, and even beating.

As they drove on to Church, they saw a brother going to the Church and picked him up. The atmosphere in the car immediately changed and the man that was busy fighting his wife turned to an amazing, caring man.


Unknown to them, their daughter was recording everything as it was going on, and just as the husband began to advise the brother to get married and choose his wife wisely, the little girl began to play what she had recorded.

Everyone in the vehicle was shocked, including the man and his wife. The man was so ashamed that he had to remove the battery from the phone in an haste to stop the recorded argument. The brother still in shock at such humongous level of pretence and anger, asked to be excused from their vehicle.

Before he alighted from the car, he left the family with this message:
You can drive your home to Church, but are you driving your home to Christ?

Lessons from the movie :
1. God is not interested in an outward show of holiness, while there are lots of dirt and filth on the inside.

2. There are many who go to Church but are not yet in Christ.

3. You can drive your home to Church, while driving them away from Christ.

4. Let your thoughts and actions be an example of truth.

5. Your ministry starts with your family, not the pulpit.

Kudos to the MZFM folks, their recent movies has been awesome in lessons and quality. More blessings to them, and to you too my beautiful readers.

You can watch the movie on YouTube via
Don’t forget to share your thoughts when you’ve watched the movie.


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