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Finding Purpose : About Me (2)

Hi dear reader, trust you’ve been well. This is a continuation post on the Finding Purpose topic; for a better grasp, please check the first part here.

Finding purpose for me was a big deal. I remember in my Junior Secondary School days, I had dreams of being an accountant, then in Senior Secondary School, I wanted to be a mathematician. Somehow, I ended up in the university, to study computer engineering.

To cut the long story short, there are many defining moments in my life (as regarding finding purpose), but I’ll share just three (3) of them.

The first one was when I totally surrendered my life to God.
Yes, I was brought up in a Christian home, I even “gave my life to Christ ” severally, but not seriously. I finally surrendered everything to God after my first year in the university.

It was a defining moment for me because from then life took on a new shape. I began to grow more confident in myself. You see, I normally was a VERY shy and fearful girl. Even though I was brilliant, I was always scared; I was scared of facing crowds, I was scared of dark places and a host of other things. But after I gave my life to Christ, the fears began to ebb away, I got more confident in myself, my academics got better and I got myself a journal.

The second one was when I attended a conference organized by Thrive Shuttle Initiative. It was a conference organized to motivate and educate undergraduates about life after school. At that stage of my life, I was contemplating about what things I wanted to do with my life. After that conference, I was enlightened to a large extent and I began to look out for opportunities around me (one of the reasons why I love attending conferences). It was at this point I decided that one of the things I wanted to do with my life is to help people and impact lives positively.

The third one was when I met a man, this man was the one that fuelled my desire to go into programming (software development). I had been conflicted on what aspect of computing to go into: in short, I had played with networking and toyed with iLabs, but it was this man that helped me in finding focus. I never thought that I would go into software development, but after I did my part 4 internship with him, programming took on a new face and I found out that I could actually go into software development as a career.

This is a kind of long summary, but I felt the need to just let it out.

If you are out there and you are confused about life, about purpose or about anything, DO NOT LOCK IT IN. Look out and reach out for help. There are a lot of people that can help you, but reach out to the right people.

I think the first place you should look is: UPWARD, look up to God and talk to Him about your troubles; then look AROUND, God will lead the right people to you or lead you to the right persons. No matter what you are going through, remember, it’s just a phase in life. Things are going to turn out right.

I’m still a work in progress and I still have a lot of learning to do, but I’m grateful for where I am and the woman God is moulding me into.

In summary, look up to God, get a mentor or someone you can be accountable to, don’t remain where you are, AIM FOR MORE.

And if you are someone who can help others, do not hesitate to reach out and help those you can, no matter how little your help may seem.

And here comes the end of the discovering purpose series??. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these posts as much as I did writing them.

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